Terms and Conditions of Use

General provisions

Web portal Oglasio is owned by the company Hedon 33 d.o.o. based in 23 249 Povljani, Miroslav Krleže 61, further in the text Oglasio.

The terms and conditions of use apply to the web portal www.oglasio.eu with all sub-domains and websites and applications for mobile phones belonging to the domain of oglasio.eu, hereinafter referred to as the web portal Oglasio.

The user is any person who accesses and/or uses the services of the web portal Oglasio, which includes unregistered users, registered users and business entities who use the services of Oglasio by the contractual relationship.

Before using the services of the web portal Oglasio, Terms and Conditions of Use should be carefully read.

By accessing these sites, you accept all the terms and conditions of using the web portal Oglasio, you enter into a contractual relationship with the Company, and confirm that you have fully read, understood and accepted the application and obligation of the Terms and Conditions of Use. We reserve the right to change and implement the terms and conditions of use of these pages at any time. Changes will take effect at the time of publication. The User is required to regularly read the Terms and Conditions of Use and is deemed to be familiar with the current terms and conditions of use by accessing the Oglasio sites.

For the purpose of using the services of the web portal Oglasio, the User commits to register and fill in the necessary data and contact details in the registration form. The collection of the requested data is executed according to the needs of the service for which the user has registered, and for the advertising is based on the Law on Prohibition and Prevention of Unregistered Activity.

Upon registration, the User is obliged to state the correct, true and complete information required for the registration process, the contrary treatment shall be deemed to be a violation of the Terms and Conditions of Use. The User guarantees the criminal and material liability of the submitted data and is obliged to keep the data accurate and up-to-date. By registering on Oglasio, the User allows the storage, use, and processing of the specified data. Oglasio commits that this information will only be used for the purposes for which they were obtained and in accordance with the applicable regulations.

The User has the right to request the closure of his or her account and delete the data at any time. Oglasio will close the account and ads of that user 24 hours after the submission of the request, unless the User does not give up within the specified deadline. Any notifications about the process of closing a user account and deleting the data will be provided to the User to the email address he has signed for the purpose of using the services of the web portal Oglasio.

Oglasio may publish promotional games or questionnaires of his partners on the web platform, and the user may voluntarily participate and enter personal information. Oglasio does not store and process the data that the user entered in such manner and is not responsible for the security of the data, thus Oglasio is not responsible for any damages that the User could experience in that case.

Oglasio can allow third parties to publish a prize game for users. Participation in the prize game is governed by the rules of a third party that has organized the prize game, and Oglasio is not responsible for the organization and the results of the prize game.

Oglasio takes care of the protection of personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations and the Privacy Policy which further regulates the collection, use, security, storage, deletion, transfer and use of the personal data.

The User is obliged to take care of the security of his/her user password and to change it occasionally. The User is fully responsible for any damages resulting from unauthorized use of the access rights as well as for all the content published under his/her username. Oglasio is not responsible for the cases of user password abuse, but as soon as a User reports a probable abuse, Oglasio can act appropriately.

Oglasio is authorized to close the accounts of the User that violate these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, as well as take any other appropriate action against a User who violates these Terms and Conditions of Use. Conditions and relations between the user and the company Oglasio are subject to the laws of the Republic of Croatia. In the event of a dispute, the court in Zadar is in charge.

For all announcements, ads, messages, texts, images, videos, offers, catalogs, vouchers and other materials (hereinafter: content) posted on pages, transmitted through a page or linked by an electronic link(s) from the site, the person from whom such content originated is exclusively responsible. Oglasio does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or authenticity of such content. In the event of any requests by third parties on the basis of compensation for damages or on any other basis related to the content provided by the User, the User fully assumes responsibility as well as the obligation to take all actions to defend and protect Oglasio from all such requests. The User is obligated to compensate Oglasio for any costs as well as all damages that would arise based on the request of third parties and on any basis related to the material delivered by the User.

Content that contains personal information of other people without their express permission is inadmissible. The User agrees not to publish content that is in contradiction with the law, other regulations and the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia. The User is specifically obliged not to sell and advertise the sale of goods or the provision of services that would infringe the copyright and related rights of third parties.

Any disputes arising from the relationship between the user of Oglasio and the advertiser (resulting from the authenticity of the user's information or the content of the bid, the subject matter, bid price, duration of the action etc.) are resolved solely between users. Oglasio is not liable for damages of any kind resulting from such relationships.

In order to improve its service, Oglasio uses and analyzes information that it has about its users, including user interests, activities, and reviews, to select and personalize ads and other marketing notices that promote products and services of Oglasio.

Oglasio does not assume responsibility for timely or detailed notification of the user.

It is not permitted to copy and use any part of the Oglasio site, including the information provided by users, without the prior written permission of Oglasio.

Oglasio is not responsible for any damages that may arise due to the interruption of availability, disclosure, or deletion of content or misuse of publicly disclosed information.

Oglasio is not responsible for any costs that may arise for the User, which may arise due to the use of the web portal Oglasio and Oglasio app for mobile phones.

Web portal Oglasio contains links to other servers' web pages. Oglasio is not responsible for the contents of a third-party website, does not guarantee and does not accept liability for damages, illegal content, or other legal violations on third-party websites. Oglasio will remove any link or content as soon as possible after being fully convinced that it violates positive legal regulations or is in any way damaging or unwanted.

Submitting ads to Oglasio

Oglasio is intended for the public publishment of ads and related services that will enable more effective publishing and ad search. By submitting an ad request, the User agrees to include in his/her ads on Oglasio personal information as well, as set in the settings or enrolled in the ad content, which can be seen by all people who have access to the internet. The User may request to delete the ad for any reason by entering into his account and confirming the deletion of the ad.

Ads on the Croatian version of the site must be written in Croatian, on the Serbian version of the site must be in Serbian, Slovenian version of the site in Slovenian, etc..

The ad must contain specific information about the item being sold. The description must only relate to the subject of the sale. Ads are not allowed to advertise other items, services, demand, or anything else that is not a direct sale item.

Images in the ad must be images of the item being sold. It is not permissible to publish logos, banners, etc.

Product lists are not allowed. In one ad it is allowed to enter only one item of the sale unless it is a complete set.

The ad must belong to the appropriate section.

The ad title must describe the subject of the sale. In the title is not allowed to enter the titles of other websites or several identical characters in a row (eg: *** car trailer ***).

Ads that invite to participate in various online marketing and pyramid games are not allowed. Likewise, ads that invite to play unauthorized games of luck are not allowed.

The user can only have one username and can only submit one ad for one item. It is not allowed to change advertising items within a leased advertising package or a product, nor is it allowed to post ads for the same item in two different sections.

Companies, craftsmen, associations and agencies through the web portal Oglasio sell items and submit their ads exclusively through the account type 'legal entity'. If they are publishing a service industry, they can present it in the services.

Internet links from the web portal Oglasio: It is allowed only to link to an additional subject description. Links to sites that advertise different services are not allowed. Links to sites that are in the market competition with Oglasio are not allowed.

Oglasio retains the discretionary right of evaluation whether or not a link will be approved or not. Oglasio retains the right to delete or not publish ads that do not meet a particular criterion or are in contravention of these rules and terms.

Oglasio has the right to remove, edit, modify or reject an ad, without any notice :

  • when an ad is submitted to the wrong section
  • when an ad content contains more products or services
  • when the product and/or advertiser violates copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights
  • when the product can cause damage and/or violate intellectual property rights to another, in any way
  • when a request is advertised
  • when a product and/or the content of the advertisement contains discriminatory aspects, (children's) pornographic materials or illegal materials by the law of Croatia, or is in any sense offensive
  • when an ad is suspicious in terms of advertising stolen or illegal goods
  • when an ad is in any way damaging the quality of the content
  • when there is suspicion of abusing the web portal Oglasio
  • Oglasio reserves the right to make changes to a particular ad, without changing the content of the ad (revisionary intervention, implementing data, etc.).

The users with their request for the ad publishment irrevocably authorize Oglasio to use, copy, publish and distribute that content to other media. Oglasio in other media will not publish User's personal information, but only the content of the ad and link to the web portal Oglasio.

It is not possible to make a refund or use the paid funds for the unused portion of the paid ads or the refund of the funds that users have on the Oglasio Saldo in the event of termination of the account, deletion, and deactivation of the ad for the violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use. Funds paid to the Oglasio user account may be used solely for advertising on the web portal Oglasio. User is not eligible to transfer these funds partly or completely to another user, to another account, to exchange for another service, or to make a refund.

Oglasio does not guarantee that the User will be able to access the content of his/her ad when it expires once.

Electronic communication between the users of Oglasio is intended for conversations related to the product or service offered in the ad for the purposes of:

  • information about the ad details
  • concluding a transaction or a trade related to the advertised product or service
  • information about other products or services if the advertiser is a business User

The User is obliged to have an active email address for the communication with Oglasio and other users, and to respond regularly to the inquiries received.

Users in a written communication on Oglasio are obliged to:

  • regularly check and respond in a timely manner to other users' inqueries
  • before submitting bids related to a particular ad, read a detailed description of the ad and bid up to the details specified in the ad

Users in a written communication on Oglasio are not allowed to:

  • use the name or email address of other people, represent falsely or otherwise mislead the other user in a misconception that he/she is in contact with a third party, institution or business entity
  • to promote other services, products and services
  • send links to other internet sites
  • offer intermediation in sales or rental
  • send offers for business cooperation that is not advertised
  • seek help, donations or sponsorships
  • negotiate prices with other advertisers
  • send messages of offensive, threatening content or intimidate and use a hate speech
  • use robots or scripts to automate sending multiple messages

For the purposes of protecting users, preventing misuse of communications, detecting spam and malicious software and developing Oglasio's products, Oglasio reserves the right without notice:

  • to check and analyze message content (including related email)
  • to temporarily keep messages and postpone their delivery to recipients
  • to permanently cancel the delivery of message recipients
  • to deactivate the user or disable further communication via messages

Final regulations

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply and are valid from 1 May 2019.

For any complaints and objections related to the article 11a. The Consumer Protection Act should be addressed in writing:

  • to the address of the company headquarters: Miroslava Krleže 61, 23249 Povljana
  • by email to: [email protected]

Response to a complaint and objection we are responsible to submit within the term of the Consumer Protection Act.

Information about the system administrator Oglasio:

Hedon 33 d.o.o.

Address: Miroslava Krleže 61, 23249 Povljana, Hrvatska

Email: [email protected]

Company information:

The Company is registered in the court register at the Commercial Court in Zadar, MBS: 110071720, OIB: 76664402916

The principal capital of HRK 20,000.00 was paid in full.

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